Which turbotax for s corp income
Which turbotax for s corp income

which turbotax for s corp income

The AMT includes various AMT adjustments in order to calculate the tentative minimum tax. The determination of the applicable surtax rate is made on a consolidated basis for controlled groups and related companies, so the net taxable income of all the entities subject to tax in Puerto Rico within said groups has to be combined for the determination of the applicable surtax rate.

#Which turbotax for s corp income plus#

USD 36,750 plus 19% of surtax net income in excess of USD 275,000 for a maximum nominal tax rate of nearly 37.5%.5% for surtax net income up to USD 75,000.The graduated surtax rates are as follows: The 'surtax net income' is basically the net taxable income subject to regular tax less a surtax deduction in the amount of 25,000 United States dollars (USD). The current corporate income tax (CIT) rate is comprised of an 18.5% normal tax and a graduated surtax (computed on the 'surtax net income').

which turbotax for s corp income

In the case of a non-resident foreign corporation, a 29% withholding tax (WHT) rate is applicable on its Puerto Rico-source gross income not effectively connected with a Puerto Rico trade or business. A foreign corporation engaged in trade or business in Puerto Rico is taxed at the regular corporate tax rates on income from Puerto Rico sources that is effectively connected income. A domestic corporation is taxable in Puerto Rico on its worldwide income.

Which turbotax for s corp income